About Сompany
"The Fifth Element"Ltd. ("The Fifth Element"LLC) is a dynamic company, which is a manufacturer of varnish-and-paint deliverables and is a versatile petrochemical trader.
The company was founded by a group of professionals with over than 10 years of experience in the petrochemical industry. Well established contacts with major Russian and European refineries allow competently build procurement logistics, which allows to respond quickly to customer’s needs.
The key direction of the company’s development is the production and sale of a wide range ofvarnish-and-paint deliverables, as well as the supply of organic solvents (toluene, orthoxylene, acetone, etc.) to the manufacturers of varnish-and-paint products and chemical enterprises of Russia, the countries of CIS and Baltic countries, as well as of the countries of the Western Europe.
The company is headquartered in Moscow, the warehouse complexes is located in Moscow and Smolensk regions.
Our purpose is to harness the energy of natural resources for human’s benefit; to promote the long-term economic growth in the fields of the company’s activity, to promote social stability, prosperity and progress; to ensure the preservation of a favorable environment and the sustainable use of natural resources; to be a reliable supplier of hydrocarbons on the energy market.